Firefighters, Realtors Philosophies at Different Ends of ‘Fire’


While I will always put first responders in a slightly elevated position because their aid meant having my Dad for another Christmas several years ago, that their primary job is putting out fires and real estate agents try to create a fire to buy or sell homes is an appropriate analogy.

Because fire fighters (and teachers, police, often military) frequently get more lip service about their importance than actual support as people, doing whatever possible to help them gain their piece of the American Dream is my standard as a worthwhile goal. In this particular career of mine, that means finding houses that *don’t* require immediate rescuing, at the right price, and usually, as soon as possible. Because its logistically impossible to present information at individual stations—you’re on duty there– providing an online resource/contact point for information about elements like financing or finding a desirable home is a necessary starting point. As an essential first proof of my intentions, is a link to Multiple Listing Services (MLS) accuracy regarding 4 million houses you can gain TODAY.

First responders don’t go somewhere just for the heck of it, they’ve been called because there is a need. Despite the location– and obvious presence of beer and several hundred potential competitors for my next sale– at a recent realtors event at Olde Mecklenburg Brewery, the objective of better serving client needs was still the primary objective. Like the legendary Dalmatian that leaps from a fire truck to point fire fighters at the nearest hydrant, the last business card exchanged was definitely even more important than a green-eyed, Jennifer Connelly look-alike mortgage agent, a 5’3” ex-military dynamo-mother of four-broker-in-charge, or a definitely brainy, mid-30s finance grad-turned marketing maven for a law firm, who recognized me from working in the Nautica department at Belk from two and a half years ago.

No, that last-of-17 cards exchanged, right at 7 p.m., went to a lady who said, “Cool, townhouses!” after hearing my description of a 10.24 acre-zoned R6CD property off Independence, a situation that has moved forward quite satisfactorily since.

Relative to fire fighters doing 24-hour shifts, my Dad needed assistance before 6:00 in the morning (with thanks to two nephews who were up early to recognize he needed help). Although real estate business never rises to that level of immediacy, whenever you want to find out about programs that can put financing into a next necessary gear, or you’ve gotten to that point in time where looking at potential homes has arrived, consider me ready to serve.

Please use the accompanying Contact Form to notify me of your interest in additional information. Allow me the honor of trying to return the dedication you’ve shown in a specific way in my life.