Communications – LLWS Champs, Trump at the podium, a real dog whistle

Okay, I’m going to walk that title back. Nothing here about Trump at the G-7, and sure, I could have edited that out of title. Hey, maybe somebody reads this because that word was in here, and it’s not like stock markets will go up and down radically because I lied…

After ten days of watching the Little League World Series – for the third year in a row – it would be fair and accurate to state that everything happening on the field, in the stands, and on that hillside where *everybody* was having a ball, communicated a message of joy for the playing and camaraderie between people from around the world.

Congrats communication-wise to ESPN for their “Kidcast” featuring two-16 year old announcers and 2014 LLWS sensation Mo’ne Davis – the first girl to throw a shutout in LLWS history – and two-15 year old sideline correspondents.  Booth guys were truly interesting, and drew out Mo’ne’s background and expertise as well as any regular broadcast crew. Their enthusiasm was terrific, the journalism great, including how they interviewed their regular ESPN counterparts.

Yes, only one true winner could emerge from the competition , but I’m sure a LOT of TVs were tuned in during these times of stress, for what is always a testament to skill and determination by everyone involved.

The umpires work for FREE, cancer survivors who made it to watch brothers and friends play were interviewed by soccer star Judy Foudy, and GEEZ! could the champs – those Southwest kids, hit – especially Reece Roussel, who whacked a LLWS record 17 hits, including seven doubles, tying teammate Marshall Louque for tops in the tournament.

“I don’t want to hear it.” – Southwest Coach Scott Frazier

That quote has zero to do with Trump, who was essentially shut out in France, but good, straight-up communication cuts though the fog and often brings results. While Coach Frazier’s often-used quote might seem harsh when dealing with kids, as the ESPN crew noted, there was no denying his methods were effective.

In Southwest’s 9-5 semi-final win over Hawai’i – which no-hit them in the tournament opener, forcing them to come all the way back through the losers bracket – Frazier trooped to the mound to get pitcher Connor Perrot back on track.

His first raspy-voiced comment were about Perrot’s body language (“Shoulders back, head up!”) as he moped about having walked two runs in. When Perrot tried to explain his worries (bases still loaded), Frazier cut him off with the “I don’t want to hear it” line.

“You’ve got a five run lead (at the time) – throw strikes and let this good defense help you if they hit it.” His exit line was simply, “Get this guy out,” and Perrot zipped three fastballs in to finish the inning. Communication, result. Great coaching.

How much coaching it took to have LLWS star Reece Roussel whack those 17 hits wasn’t really a matter of debate. As the guys in the ESPN booth (Kyle Peterson, David Ross, Tim Kurkjian, and Karl Ravech) said often, “This kid *always* gets the barrel of the bat on the ball.”

Ravech has done the LLWS since 2006, and while few could ever aspire to the smoothness of long time (67 years) LA Dodger announcer Vince Scully, or the down-home commentary of college football legend Keith Jackson, Ravech’s crew communicated the incredible experience these 11-12 year-olds were living in a way that anyone and everyone could enjoy for hours.

Ross did miss one *perfect* opportunity, when it was opined that the winning pitcher for Southwest – Egan Prather – might be over-excited when only one out left in the finale vs. Curacao. When the Chicago Cubs were leading by four runs in 5th inning of their own World Series win (2016), first baseman Anthony Rizzo told Ross he was so excited – the Cubbies hadn’t won a World Series since 1908 (108 years) – he couldn’t stand it.

Ross said, “Wait until the 9th inning.” The Cleveland Indians tied the game, and there was a rain delay before the Cubbies finally pulled it out. I would have pulled that story up immediately.

As for Trump, I used a real whistle for my dog

Communication of misinformation – lying if you will – produces almost the exact opposite effect of the joyfulness that the baseball did. The openness about everything happening in Williamsport, PA was soooo much clearer and fun – America at its best, if you will – nothing like the intensely partisan political scene America finds itself in.

As for dog whistling, its been repeatedly noted about the tone and “qualities” of Trump’s rhetoric are a signal to others of a similar and negative bent, a sub-textual tone that only those who are philosophically on the same wave will hear.

When my beagle managed to slip his collar and get out of the back yard Sunday, the only thing he responded to was my shrill whistle. It didn’t make him come back, but at least he stopped and looked. The difference between the two was when the dog finished romping the neighborhood for an hour, his tongue was dragging, and he kind of let himself be brought back – no texting, too tired to howl – so he could get a drink of water.

If it was that easy to get Trump back to reality… As for his getting dissed at the G-7, I don’t want to hear about it.

Congrats to absolutely everyone who raised $$$ so their kids could have this experience. It wasn’t a surprise that if you wanted the kids to go and compete, hitting the bank or selling tee shirts, but definitely many, many others pitching in for the cash, was the only way something desirable like that would happen. Remember it long and fondly.










Take breaks to renew your mojo -Panthers pre-season, golf, a Sat. BBQ with pool

This is actually the White Water Center, but the sense of easy going ambiance shouldn’t be lost, although of course it could become dramatically different. We didn’t live in fear after 9/11, we can’t allow that now.

Having done a quantity of “leadership thought” pieces recently, I also commented about how *a mother grizzly with cubs* – historically a kiss-your-ass goodbye! moment to avoid – treated the guy who saved her cubs better than Trumpster could hold it together for ten minutes into flight after visiting a hospital in Dayton.

Apples to apples comparison, one of those two did an excellent job with their PR.

In the week since those slaughters in Dayton and El Paso, TX, the over-whelming support for SOMETHING to change – by like 94% of everybody – has provided common cause, perhaps on the level of the Vietnam War protests I remember. That the recent violence was directed so specifically, that doesn’t represent the world I grew up in, so I and others will raise ours voices against it.

Does it feel like more jawing coming? Because while the NRA has clearly spoken to the Prez directly about their paid-for feelings, can even “Moscow Mitch” hold up something basic like background checks? How can this gun-racism tie in, after 18 months of barrage, still be inadequate to creating legislative changes? 

We are indeed in stressful times, and while I was pre-occupied with becoming my mother’s primary care person two memorable Valentine’s Day ago, the slaughter at Stoneman-Douglas HS raised the guns- school shootings profile to a national awareness of ENOUGH!  As individuals frequently expressed over BBQ and beers this weekend, there’s an expectation that its time to wrestle with that bear, as long as its getting shoved in our faces anyway.

UGANDA is issuing travel advisories for *their* people going to the United States, in light of constant gunfire in US.  How’s that square with “winning,” our vaunted sense of superiority?

It’s not just amplified jive from the bots, or is it?

Rep. Nadler says this IS what impeachment proceedings look like, that its a process, whether anyone believes they’ve poked strongly enough to move a monumental effort through the courts or not. This is something to be hopeful about. We have the history of Watergate, a defining moment many others – first time voters, post Nixon –  political learning curves rely on, too. Yes, I became part of that huge increase in journalism majors in the late Seventies.

This is where many stop – “There’s nothing I can do”

“Don’t sweat those things you can’t affect,” or maybe the common “Stay in your lane, bro,” begs the question of how much caring and worrying we should individually and collectively give. Was it Covey who suggested we wasted an awful lot of time/energy worrying about events that – 95% of the time – either never come to pass, or will happen in spite of anything we can do?

That doesn’t mean you completely crap out on paying attention though. IMHO, you still have to call out what’s on the other side of Decency or Right (as in correct) line, and yes, results come from changing those things you can actually affect. Since Day One, I expected that the media would need to keep hot, bright, continuous lights on what this administration will go down in history as being, and 2018 was proof of that.

While its stunning that the graft-riddled Trump Administration is still afloat, we can still hope to make certain necessary changes in bringing back our national mojo. Calling for that mojo thing isn’t just a Woodstock flashback – and its really been 50 years since the ‘Miracle Mets’ and Tom Terrific and landing on the moon? –  but this isn’t the time for Boomers to go quietly into that good night.

Social Security is NOT an entitlement program, its a payoff I’ve built up since that first inside job at sixteen, when I asked, “What’s FICA?”

This isn’t the time for Boomers to go quietly into that good night.

With all due gravity to everyone affected – and the cannery workers round-up designed to incite greater fears as a chaser – I’m glad to watch a Panthers preseason game, have a chance to whack a pretty good bucket of golf balls, and be invited to a ribs + beers gathering with neighbors and their young and college age children on Saturday to gird myself for “More.”

Pace yourself, America

I acknowledge feeling safe there, although such a scene is as ripe as any other gathering for violent changes. Yes, should the worst happen at some point, “A good guy with a gun,” showing up like NRA/GOP always exclaims would be welcome.

Counting on Wonder Woman to deflect ordinance is a fallacy, but we’ve been closer to  putting some brakes on assault weapon killings before – and it worked, remember?20190630_141650

As we consumed saucy ribs, with intelligent persons representing a variety of nationalities and ages, my interviewer gene was tickled: So excellent to hear what our acquaintances FEEL on various topics instead of hearing cable TV percentages. It was gratifying to recognize the free flow of discourse compared to naysaying, negativity, and dogmatic reactions that often lower conversations with ‘others.’

The women I spoke with – that demographic everyone recognizes brings victory – I *never* heard anyone mention Hillary, and Trump won’t get their votes either.

There’s no denying the experts saying its going to be loud and bad right through Election Day next November, but I also relaxed, because I unplugged from political analysis from Thursday-Sunday.

Nicole Wallace’s DEADLINE: White House and Brian William’s 11th Hour have been my standards, they don’t do “alternative facts.” Williams’ humor and precise, well-articulated questions of experts is still the standard to hold high regarding the power of the free press. I respect Wallace because she was in the Bush White House on 9/11, and she KNOWS what disarray with staff and a national emergency both look like for real.

Like the soaps opera manipulations your friends used to fill you in about in college, you can miss a couple episodes with politics and pick things up quick in a 24/7 news cycle. Oh, Epstein committed suicide? What a surprise, but Barr is starting a probe…

You’re gonna have to pace yourself, America. Mueller’s report wasn’t as great a “movie” as many hoped, but I’ll support the on-going, Watergate-style job designated for Congress 243 years ago; ICE bullying and savage malfeasance, unqualified clowns considered for high positions, its more anxiety than CBD oil should be called on to negate.

Becoming my Mom’s primary care person that Valentines Day shooting, can you believe we’ve gotten to THIS POINT, again, in 18 months?  Standing on “Moscow Mitch’s” feet of lead in the Senate, that’s a significant, well-defined desire by the many.

Periodically unplugging and stopping to smell any flowers, really, watch ANY high school football game, or having ribs and beers with neighbors, that contemplation of peace and joy we praise in the Constitution is out there, keep pushing for a piece of peace.

Glenn Shorkey – Creative eDitorial Talents Enterprises 
(704) 502-9947






Content creation, client needs are close to dating – better info turns into ‘righter’ decisions

Typical selfie in bathroom mirror doesn’t move the needle much.


Online dating and sending RFP-level material to potential clients is certainly a legitimate analogy. Wanting a good professional or emotional connection, one that satisfies a recognized need, works best when everyone is honestly trying on the information front.

Three specific examples of ‘finding the other’  involves a high, low, and medium set of informational points, and how it affects the successful matching up of elements desired by both parties.

On the low end would be a personal ad lacking any imagination or effort – one picture (the bathroom selfie), minimal written, or “If you want to know more, ask” slackery. That’s an unsatisfying combination from among hundreds of other possibilities, and its headed for the Out Bin almost as a reflex, right?


Content creation types understand that every post, CV profile, or cover letter sent involves a judgment of our writing skills.


This works for Me

On a lovely, cool Monday morning, I declare the Super High End of information is represented by 2 1/2 pages of printed who, what, why, how? relative to one recent company’s Content Marketing position.

A statement of their corporate positioning, an introduction to expectations of a new team member, responsibilities, necessary skill set, personal qualities (hmmm…humility?), and finished up with bullet points about extras in the compensation situation you’d probably want to know about – whew!

Whether pursuing dates or a potential client, investing more effort in an A-B-C, 1-2-3 clear about extra details to start is reasonable. From a content creator POV, responding to that well-defined description with an equally well-defined reason to investigate further is fundamentally right.

The best middle ground is when a match shows up a 100% as advertised stud or stud-ette worker or human ideal.  Great attitude, desired attributes sharp and documented-explained, articulate enough during the meet-greet time over coffee or a beverage raising expectations of possibilities.

If all is in tune over introductions, coffee, post-concert or snacks perhaps, its much easier to discuss what Next might look like.

What needs to be done when the bell is rung

Most think we’re the middle group professionally, that it’s just a matter of getting in front of a decision maker. Perhaps we lack an attribute or two software-wise,  or documented depth of expertise required (Six years? Whaaaat?), but unless its an organic height requirement, face-to-face will win the day.


What would be amazingly naive of the one picture profile to think, is just as unproductive for a content creator candidate to ignore – how to impress that ‘date’ appropriately with clues from a well-written description . 

That Super High end information provider is a remote location possibility vs. office situation, as welcome and positive as a bright smile from across the room in such iffy times. The role responsibilities included a versatile style across several channels (bingo!), engaging with subject matter experts (sales career and all previous freelance writing featured interviewing as a strength), and some esoteric pieces, like “the gumption to wrestle with a problem until a thought-through solution is achieved.”

Immediate, verifiable info regarding  candidate

Meeting my date Saturday provided immediate, verifiable positive intelligence regarding an All That candidate that doesn’t happen often. She was interesting, attractive, way better than just fit, a look-you-in-the-eye type with a compelling story about spirituality (including tarot, the hook in my books) that kept conversation flowing. OMG! also wanted to go ‘dutch’ from the get-go.

Having seen the up-close reality of that option, it would be terrific if there was more to discuss in the near future. Hold onto that thought, because a real meeting of people vs. just minds included almost two weeks of texting, and both of us had multiple pictures and profile writing positively affirmed from conversation.  Elementally, the dating system worked, and leaving out that information makes it sound like luck.

The Person-Relationship you want 

Never let it be thought you only did the least that could be done when making submissions for business OR dating. Quality communications don’t need to be all-revealing bikini shots of one’s career, just promote the belief that as responders, we might be that terrific person you’ll want to discuss a future relationship with.

All positive responses constitute a successful ‘first date’ for a content creation person.